Why enrol for this Course?

Ever read the Quran and wondered what it means? Ever made the intention to find out but never quite managed it? Ever wished to connect to God’s word but not sure how to do it?

Or maybe you’ve read the Quran in English, but are still not sure of the key themes, messages and stories of each sura?

A unique opportunity to cover the entire Quran, spending 10-30mins per sura – giving an overview of each chapter.  It will cover the context, background, key themes, lessons and topics of each sura, expertly summarised by one of the most senior English-speaking scholars in the UK.

Or maybe you’re worried about misinterpreting the Quran and felt you needed a scholar to explain it to you. But then you’ve looked for courses, but found only ones that are ultra in-depth and not easily accessible? You don't have that much time!

Do you want a course the whole family can access – from 12 year olds to those with limited prior Islamic knowledge? Then this is the course for you....

Preview of Sample Lessons

Approach to Course: Notes and Videos. Duaa for Knowledge

Overview of Session 2

Juz 29: Sura Al-Mulk 

Overview and Central themes 

The Content of the Course

For each Sura, cover the following questions: What was the Sirah context of the Sura? When and why was it revealed? What are the virtues of reciting and special features of the Sura? What are the sections and topics of the longer Suras? What are the key themes and messages of the Sura? What are the special stylistic features of the Sura?

  • The Opening of the Quran: Suras 1-2

  • The Tiwal Suras: Suras 3-9

  • The Alif Lam Ra (ALR) Suras: Suras 10-15

  • The Middle of the Quran: Suras 16-22

  • The 100 verse Suras: Suras 23-30

  • The Quran's Heart: Suras 31-38

  • The Ha Mim Suras: Suras 39-46

  • The Separated Suras: Suras 47-54

  • The Glorifications: Suras 55-62

  • The 28th Juz: Suras 63-70

  • The 29th Juz: Suras 71-80

  • The 30th Juz: Suras 81-92

  • The Oft-recited: Suras 93-102

  • The Seal of the Quran: Suras 103-114

Course Overview

    1. Session 1 course notes

    2. Intro, Course Overview, Overview of the Quran

    3. 1. Sura Al-Fatiha

    4. 2. Sura Al-Baqarah

    5. 2.1 - Approaching the course

    1. Session 2 course notes

    2. 3. Sura Ali-Imran

    3. 4. Sura An-Nisa

    4. 5. Sura al-Ma'ida

    5. 6. Sura al-An'am

    6. 7. Sura al-A'raf

    7. 8. Sura al-Anfal

    8. 9. Sura Tauba

    9. 9.1 - Summary of the Tiwal Suras

    1. Session 3 course notes

    2. Introduction to The ALR Suras

    3. 10. Sura Yunus

    4. 11. Sura Hud

    5. 12. Sura Yusuf

    6. 13. Sura al-Ra'd

    7. 14. Sura Ibrahim

    8. 15. Sura al-Hijr

    1. Session 4 course notes

    2. The Middle of the Quran

    3. 16. Sura al-Nahl

    4. 17. Sura al-Isra

    5. 17.1 - Coherence between 17&18

    6. 18. Sura al-Kahf

    7. 19. Sura Maryam

    8. 20. Sura TaHa

    9. 21. Sura al-Anbiya

    1. Session 5 course notes

    2. 22. Sura al-Hajj

    3. 23. Sura al-Mu'minun

    4. 24. Sura Nur

    5. 24.1 - The Verse of Light

    6. 25. Sura al-Furqan

    7. 26. Sura al-Shu'ara

    8. 27. Sura al-Naml

    9. 28. Sura al-Qasas

    10. 29. Sura al-Ankabut

    1. Session 6 course notes

    2. 30. Sura al-Rum

    3. 31. Sura Luqman

    4. 32. Sura al-Sajda

    5. 33. Sura al-Ahzab

    6. 34. Sura al-Saba

    7. 35. Sura al-Fatir

    8. 36. Sura Ya Sin

    9. 37. Sura al-Saffat

About this course


From what age is this course suitable?

The classes are ideally aimed at anyone from 14 years of age and up. You may listen to the free lesson sample to determine if it is right for you.

How are the lessons taught?

The course is available as recorded lessons which you may access through the student portal once you enrol.

How long do I have access to the course material?

The courses material can be accessed for a total of 2 years from the date of enrolment.

Are there any assessments?


What is the cost of the Course? 

£90 per student

I live overseas, can I still enrol for this course?

Yes, the course is available as recorded lessons and can be accessed by students living anywhere in the world. All you need is a smart device (mobile phone, laptop etc) and the internet. 

Is there a fee concession for overseas students who have poor exchange rates making the course too expensive?

Please email us on [email protected] for further assistance.

Can I share the course material with others?

The course is for the enrolled student only though if you have dependants, namely, your spouse, children (below 16 yrs), living in the same household, we permit the lesson to be shared with them.  If you have other family or friends interested in the course too, please refer them to our website to enrol. Please see our discount incentive scheme below. 

Do you offer discount incentives scheme for referrals to the course? 

Yes we do. Just refer your family/friends to our website and let us know their names by emailing us. For every successful enrolment, you will be given 15% off any course, current and future.

If I have any questions, can I contact the teacher?

You can email your study related questions to [email protected]

If you have an admin query, email us on [email protected]

Shaykh Dr Asim Yusuf

Instructor Biography

Shaykh Dr Asim Yusuf is one of the most senior English speaking scholars in the UK, and has studied widely and received authorisation from senior scholars from around the world. In particular, he is considered an international authority in Islamic Psychology and its philosophy, and a specialist in Islamic bioethics, astronomy, and metaphysics.

Most pertinently for this course, he has engaged in detailed readings of a number of major classical works of tafsir with some of the most senior scholars in the world. In addition to a general permission to teach tafsir, he has a specific authorisation to transmit the tafsir works of Ibn Kathir, al-Baydawi, al-San’ani, al-Nasafi, al-Zamakhshari, as well as the Itqan and other Quran-centric works of Imam al-Suyuti – all with multiple unbroken chains of transmission.

His studies have included the majority of the branches of the Islamic sciences, including advanced study of theology, philosophy, Islamic law (primarily Hanafi, but also basic studies of the Shafii and Maliki schools), Quranic hermeneutics, the principles of hadith critique, juristic principles (both approaches), the grammar and philosophy of the Arabic language, classical and modern logic, western and Islamic rhetoric, hadith commentary, shamail and tasawwuf. He has taught most of these subjects over the years. He also narrates with specific the six canonical works of hadith, as well as the Muwatta of Malik and several other major classical works of hadith, via some of the best and highest chains of transmission in the world. Each of these entailed either complete or near-complete readings with over thirty senior scholars. 

He teaches advanced classes in analytical theology, metaphysics, the philosophy of Islamic law and the theoretical study of mystical experience. Since 2014, he has been engaged in a complete reading, commentary and analysis of the Ihya Ulum al-Din of Imam Ghazali, and has to date completed the first third of the forty volumes with his students. 

Professionally, the Shaykh is a full-time Consultant Psychiatrist and Clinical Director for Mental Health Services in the Black Country, with a special interest in Islamic spirituality and mental health, about which he is regularly invited to lecture internationally at Universities, including Oxford, Cardiff, Chicago and Toronto. 

He is the author of several books, most notably Shedding Light on the Dawn, as well as being a poet and lyricist better known by his pseudonym Talib al-Habib, with three well-received nasheed albums to his name. Shaykh Asim is the Emeritus and Founding Chair of the British Board of Scholars and Imams, the largest and most diverse scholarly organisations in the Western world.

Discover the Quran and deepen your connection with Allah (SWT)